Free Courses - English



Learn Arabic for Beginners - Ustaadh Ibraheem Muhsin 

In this series you will learn how to read the Arabic alphabet with the correct pronunciation for every letter by learning the points of articulation while eliminating common mistakes.


Learn How To Read Arabic - Ustaadh Talha Davis


Learn How To Read Arabic
PDF – 392.3 KB 96 downloads

Qu'ran Reading Course - Ustaadh Muhammad binAbdilwali



Qur'an Made Easy - Ustaadh Muhammad Huzaifah


Quran Made Easy
PDF – 285.7 KB 49 downloads

Tuhfatul Atfaal (Tajweed)- Shaykh Qari Sharif Zain

Tuhfatul Atfaal is a poem authored by Suleiman al-Jamzuri regarding tajweed when reciting the book of Allah, the quran. The poem contains a magnification on certain attributes in pronunciation of reciting certain words so that we may recite correctly and in accordance to how the prophet ﷺ did and the salaf as-salih.


تحفة الأطفال
PDF – 1.0 MB 45 downloads

Qa'idah Nooraniyyah 


Start from the basics of the alphabet and build yourself up

Noorani Qaida
PDF – 8.9 MB 63 downloads

Sarf Book 1 & 2 

Arabic Structure of words & how they change


Sarf Book 1
PDF – 3.2 MB 85 downloads
Sarf Book 2
PDF – 2.6 MB 61 downloads

Nahw Waadih Book 1 - Ustaadh Abu Atiyah Mahmud Bin Muhammad


Nahw Al Wadhiah
PDF – 4.5 MB 70 downloads

Madinah Book 1

Worksheets (good for revision):

The following Playlist can be used as revision. 


Madinah Book 2


Madinah Book 2
PDF – 14.0 MB 69 downloads

Madinah Book 3


Madinah Book 3
PDF – 25.0 MB 82 downloads

Madinah Side Book Expressions - Ustaadh Talha Davis

This book is to help the beginner express himself fluently when speaking. It starts from the very basic and slowly builds a good foundation for you to express yourself both fluently and confidently


Madina Side Book Expression
PDF – 15.6 MB 79 downloads

Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk Level 1 (Book 1) 


Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk Level 2 (Book 2) - Arabic Enthusiasts 




The Three Fundamental Principles (Al Usūl Al Thalāthah) 

Without doubt The three fundamental principles of Islam are amongst the most important matters that every person will be asked about; ‘Who is your Lord?’, ‘What is your religion?’ and ‘Who is your Prophet?’. So its obligatory upon mankind to know its proofs and making it a study until we reach our next abode, the Grave. 


The Three Fundamental Principles
PDF – 14.7 MB 109 downloads

The Four Principles of Shirk (Al-Qawā'id Al-Arba') - Ustaadh Muhammed Huzaifah

The focus of this book is to clarify the difference between the religion of the Muslims and the religion of mushrikūn by studying 4 principles taken all from the Qur'an.


The Four Fundamental Principles
PDF – 9.8 MB 65 downloads

Explanation of 10 Nullifers of Islam (Nawaqidul Islam) - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan 

Nawaqidul Islam is a small risala (letter) by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahhab رحمه الله that comprises of ten points that nullify one’s Islam i.e. takes a Muslim from the state of Islam to the state of Al Kufr Al Akbar (major disbelief). The author mentions the ten nullifiers followed by a short conclusion at the end of the risala. The author mentions evidences from the Quran beneath specific nullifiers, likewise he also supplements individual nullifiers with examples or additional details for the reader at certain places.


10 Things That Nullify Islaam
PDF – 454.8 KB 77 downloads

The Six Fundamental Principles - Ustaadh Abul Abbaas

The Six Fundamental Principles is one of the numerous short articles written by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab in his effort to spread tawhīd (Islamic monotheism) in the Arabian Peninsula. 


Removal of Misconceptions (Kashf ash-Shubuhāt

In this course you will learn how to respond to 10 doubts commonly caused by the people of Shirk


Removal of Misconceptions
PDF – 381.1 KB 58 downloads

Aspects of the Days of Ignorance - Various Teachers

The book, Aspects of the Days of Ignorance is a unique and powerfully insightful work warning us against the worst of creed. Shaykh Saalih ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allah preserve him) said: These issues are extremely important in our lives today.  The callers to Allah should be utilising them and explaining them in their study circles and their propagation of the religion. These are tremendous points which, no doubt, we are in need of in every time, and especially in this time. Reviewing them and reminding the people about them is a necessity.


Guide to a Sound Creed - Ustaadh Abu Muadh

Clarifying the sound Muslim Creed and calling people to believe in it, is the most crucial issue because it is the foundation on which one’s deeds are judged whether denied or accepted. This book gives clear explanation of the Muslim sound creed as pointed out in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. In this book. The chapters of the book focus on major issues in Tawhid (monotheism) such as the necessity of learning and teaching the Muslim creed, the Principles of Muslim creed; namely belief in Allah, the Angels, the Heavenly Books, Allah’s Messengers, the Day of Judgment and the Divine Decree and Predestination as well as many other issues.


Kitab At Tawheed - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhâb, the great Muslim scholar and reformer of the 12th century H (18th century CE), was inspired to write Kitâb at-Tawheed because he saw Muslims who had corrupted their beliefs and actions by that which contradicted the pure monotheistic position of Islam. He witnessed the religious veneration of historical sites and graves, supplications made for the intercession of deceased saints, belief in omens, distortions of the meanings of Allah’s names and attributes, and the use of expressions which contradict the belief in Allah’s Oneness. In an effort to purify Islam from this falsehood, the esteemed Shaykh collected proofs from the Noble Qur’an and the teaching of Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessing be upon him) to explain all aspects of true monotheism.



A detailed commentary/ explanation of the famous writing of Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, al-Aqeedatul-Wasitiyyah, done by the noble Shaykhs, Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen & Abdul-Aziz ibn Nasir ibn Rashid (رحمهم الله). Contains a detailed study and explanation on the topic of creed/aqeedah (Islamic belief system) and discusses the real & original faith of Islam according to the Qur'an & Sunnah


Creed of Raziyayn - Ustaadh Uways At-Ṭaweel

Imām Abū Muhammad ʿAbdur-Rahmān ibn Abī Hātim (died 327 AH) said, “I asked my father (Abū Hātim) and Abū Zurʿah about the beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah in the foundations of the religion―and what the two of them found the scholars to be upon in all the various lands—and what they held as their Creed from what they acquired. So, they answered, We met the scholars of all the lands: the Hijāz, Irāq, Egypt, Shām (Syria, Jordan and Palestine) and Yemen. And from their belief was…” Then he proceeded to narrate the Creed of the Salaf of the Ummah, the early generations of scholars, and this book is a translation of that Creed.


Creed Of The Raziyayn
PDF – 627.8 KB 62 downloads

Foundations of the Sunnah - Shaykh Abu Shuaib

In this course you will understand the foundations of the Sunnah & understand the correct path to follow.


Sharh As-Sunnah

In this course you will gain a firm understanding of the correct creed a Muslim should have.


Al Aqeedah at Tahaawiyah - Ustaadh Abu Muadh 

This is an explanation of the renowned treatise on the Islamic creed entitled al-‘Aqidah al-Tahawiyah (The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi). The author of this treatise is Imam Abu Ja‘far al-Tahawi (239-321 A.H.), one of the leading authorities on the Hanafī madhab. The period Imam al-Tahawi lived in was the zenith of the dissemination of the Islamic sciences and he was just one of the giants that this era produced. To illustrate this: his teachers included Imām Isma’il ibn Yahya al-Muzani (a major student of Imām al-Shāfi‘ī), those he collected hadith from included Imām al-Nasai (author of ‘Sunan al-Nasai’, one of the ‘Sahih Sittah’) and his students included the great muhaddith Imām al-Tabarani.


The Creed of Ibn Abi Zayd Al-Qayrawani - Ustaadh Omar Jamaykee

The author was asked to write a short treatise on the fundamentals of belief and creed of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah. This work was written in response to that request, wherein the author explains the obligatory aspects of Islam, those that should be pronounced by the tongue, believed in the heart, acted upon the limbs and acts of Sunnah related to the foundations of faith


Ha'iyyah Ibn Abi Dawud - Ustaadh AbdulAziz al-Haqqan

His name is Abu Bakr Abdullaah bin Sulaimaan bin al-Ash’ath as-Sijistaanee, well-known as Ibn Abee Dawood, the son of the Imaam and hadeeth Scholar, the compiler of the “Sunan”, Abu Dawood (rahimahullaah). He was born in 230AH and died in 316AH (rahimahullaah). He travelled extensively in pursuit of knowledge and hadeeth and sat with many scholars. He had many students, from them: ad-Daarqutnee, Ibn Shaaheen, Ibn Abee Haatim, Ibn Battah and others. What follows is the first in a series of articles in explanation of the “Al-Haa’iyyah” of this great Scholar, by Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him), entitled: “The Explanation of the Poem of al-Haa’iyyah Regarding the Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah”


Haiyyah Ibn Abi Dawud
PDF – 65.6 KB 58 downloads

Explanation of Al-Lahmiyah (Ibn Tayyimah) - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan

This is a Explanation of the Laamiyyah poem which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah). It is only 16 verses of poetry, easy to memorize, and a great starting point in memorization for a child or a beginner in knowledge. This poetry has a written manuscript in Jaami'ah Malik Saud (no. 6/1928), being written in the year 1353H), and it is found alongside two other works, al-Wasiyyah al-Kubraa, and al-Adillah al-Bayyinah, both of which are known works of Ibn Taymiyyah. It has been mentioned by the Scholar of Iraq, Nu'maan al-Alusi (rahimahullaah), in his excellent book "Jalaa' al-Aynayn Fee Muhaakamah al-Ahmadayn." Shaykh Abd al-Salaam bin Burjis (rahimahullaah) included this qaseedah as being amongst the poetry of Ibn Taymiyyah in his work, "al-Saheeh min al-Nadhm al-Faseeh Li Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah" and a number of Scholars have explanations of this qaseedah, from the contemporaries Shaykh Saalih al-Suhaymee and also Shaykh Ahmad al-Mardawi (d. 1236H) almost two hundred years ago. Its ascription to Ibn Taymiyyah is not decisively established, however, the contents of the poetry are in agreement with the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah, and due its brevity and shortness of length, it is worth attention.


Sufficiency in Aqeedah (Creed) Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī - Ustaadh Abu Atiyah Mahmud Bin Muhammad

In this book, Imam Ibn Qudamah presents the Creed of the Salaf as is the custom of  the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah  in every century – to preserve the  authentic Creed by way of writing it down in books and spreading it. So this Creed  became well known amongst the scholars and studied in the gatherings of knowledge. In fact the treatise continues to be studied and reviewed by students of knowledge  throughout the world


Sufficiency in Aqeedah (Creed)
PDF – 474.2 KB 64 downloads

Al-Qawāid al-Muthlā - Ustaadh Abu Muadh

A Brief Overview from  (Exemplary Principles Concerning the Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allāh) which is an exceptional book on the subject of ʿaqīdah authored by one of the greatest scholars of our era, al-Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn [رحمه الله]


Qawaid Al Muthla English
PDF – 1.2 MB 60 downloads

Foundation of the Salafi Da'wah - Ustaadh Sa'eed Hasan

Author: When I saw this despicable action from these organisations had affected some of our youth, and they had been deceived by some of these slogans, I wanted to mention the foundations of the Salafi da’wah and how the people of truth are distinguished from others, so the true Salafi can be distinguished from the false claimant. For surely, a group of people ride Salafiyyah, while the Salafi da’wah is free of them. The Ash’ariyyah allege they are from the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, while their claim is false. The Muslim brotherhood allege they are from Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, yet there is a huge difference between Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah and the manhaj they are upon. These principles I will mention have been agreed upon by the callers to the Salafi methodology, from old times until present day.


Exposing The Iklhwanul Muslimeen Conference - Ustaadh Sa'eed Hasan & Abu Salma

So-called al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen is an organization that was set up in Egypt in 1928 and modeled upon a prior organization set up by the suspect figure Jamal ul-Din al-Afghani. Its founder, Hasan al-Banna was an Ash’ari and Hasawi Sufi. Its two most influential figureheads are Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb and they each laid down the foundations for the two major strains of Ikhwani thought and methodology. Hasan al-Banna brought the alleged “golden principle” of accomodating all of the deviant sects in order to amass as large a number as possible (to be used to help achieve the political goals and aspirations of the leaders of this group). This series of lessons gets into the detail of the dawah and the mistakes.




Explanation of the Important Lessons - Ustaadh Muhammed Huzaifah

Short course explaining what every Muslim needs to know about Islam.


Explanation Of The Important Lessons For Every Muslim
PDF – 4.0 MB 61 downloads

Al-Waraqaat (Usul Al Fiqh) - Ustaadh Abdulrahman Hassan

Al-Waraqaat by Imam al-Haramayn ‘Abd al-Malik al-Juwayni Al-Waraqaat is a renowned Islamic classical text on the subject of Usul al-Fiqh. It paves the way for a foundational education on the sources of Islamic law and the procedures by which the law is derived from the sources. It is called waraqat because it is concise, with the Arabic text (Matn) fitting on roughly five pages. It is part of a series of Islamic classical texts, known as summarized works (Mukhtasarat) that are considered an essential study for every serious seeker of Islamic knowledge who wants to follow the methodology laid out by the scholars of Islam to facilitate the acquisition of beneficial knowledge.


Al- Waraqaat (Usul Al Fiqh)
PDF – 2.4 MB 74 downloads

Foundations of the Knowledge of Usul - Ustaadh Muhammed Huzaifah

It is not possible for the one with understanding (fiqh) to be without usul al-fiqh or for the usuli (the one who knows usul al-fiqh) to do without fiqh if he wants to have understanding (of the deen). - Shaykh Al-Uthaymin, Kitab Al-Ilm. This book is the first of the Usul Series, which consists of various books of the Principles (Usul) of the religion.


Al Qawaid Al Fiqhiyyah (Maxims Of Fiqh)

Principles – or maxima – pertaining to Fiqh; each one dictates many individual issues. They have been penned in poetry by Shaykh ‘AbdurRaḥmān Ibn Nāsir as-Si’di. The poetry has been translated and presented in a workbook format for students to utilise as a study resource.


Workbook Manzumat Al Qawaid Al Fiqhiyyah
PDF – 307.9 KB 65 downloads

The Concise Presentation of Fiqh - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

This book covers all major Fiqh issues relevant in a Muslims life. The author has avoided using any of the weak or rejected Hadith that are so often included in other books of fiqh. This book is thus valuable both as a work of fiqh and as a collection of sound Hadith. The topics which are dealt with include purity, prayer, fasting, Zakah, pilgrimage, marriage, business transactions, permissible and impermissible foods, inheritance, criminal offenses, and jihad. Shaykh Abu Shaykh goes through the book and adds additional details and clarification where required.


Manhaj As-Saalikeen 

Manhaj al Sālikīn (Path of the Wayfarer) is an elementary text in Fiqh and is primarily based upon the Ḥanbali school of thought. Written by the late Sheikh 'Abd al Raḥmān bin Nāṣir al Sa'adi (d.1376 AH), Manhaj al Sālikīn was written in a very simple and concise manner, avoiding the intricate and rare issues that the average person will not come across. It thus serves as an excellent beginning step for those who wish to learn about the major acts of worship (purification, prayer, funerals, zakah, fasting and hajj) as well as important transactions and dealings with other people, such as the rulings of trade, marriage, divorce and inheritance


Minhaj As Salikin 1
PDF – 28.9 MB 73 downloads

Zad al-Mustaqni - Ustaadh Uthman Bin Farooq

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan’s excellent 3 part commentary on the classical guide to the Hanbali madhab entitled Zad al-Mustaqni’ covers the Book of Purification, the Book of Prayer, the Book of Funerals, the Book of Zakat, the Book of Fasting, the Book of Rites, the Book of Jihad and the Book of Food. Shaykh Uthman goes through this book. 


A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence - Ustaadh Abdul Hakeem Ibn Mitchell

In two volumes, Sh. Fawzan has projected light on jurisprudential issues of utmost importance in a genuine and reader friendly style. The author extensively covers all of the chapters of fiqh. 


The Conditions & Pillars of Salah (Shuroot as-Salaah)

Shuroot as-Salaah is a book wriiten by al-Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allah have mercy on him), that covers 'The Conditions, Pillars, and Requirements of Prayer'. Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allah have mercy on him), briefly outlines the nine conditions for the acceptance of one’s prayer, as well as the fourteen pillars and eight requirements of the prayer, mentioning some of their proofs and evidences from the Book and the Sunnah. We have a Quiz on this, check out how you do.


The Conditions And Pillars Of Salat
PDF – 253.5 KB 75 downloads

Prostration For Forgetfulness - Ustaadh Saeed Hassan

Sujood as-Sahwi is a book authored by the esteemed scholar Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him), focusing on the essential topic of the Prostration of Forgetfulness in prayer. Building upon the teachings of al-Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdul-Wahhaab (may Allah have mercy on him) and his book Shuroot as-Salaah, this lesson delves into the conditions for the acceptance of prayer, the pillars, and the requirements of the prayer, drawing evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah


The Prophets Prayer Described - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

With different opinions related to certain actions in the prayer, the question we should ask ourselves is how did the our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم pray? This course goes through in extensive detail each part of the prayer using the book by Shaykh Al-albani delivered by Shaykh Abu Shuaib. If you're only after how we should be praying then refer to the last video in the playlist. 


The Prophets Prayer Described
PDF – 2.2 MB 62 downloads

The Prophets Prayer Described - Ustadh Muadh Taqweem Aslam

In this book, al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn explains a number of vital issues related to the Prayer in a very simple and comprehensive fashion. Not only does the Shaykh clarify the description of the Prayer, but he also expounds on finer details such as the meaning of the legislated supplications and remembrance articulated in the Prayer, which is highly beneficial to every Muslim, especially the English reader. This treatise provides the reader with accurate information based on the Qur’ān and the Sunnah, so that the Muslim can actualize the saying of the Prophet: “Pray as you have seen me pray.”


Bulugh Al-Maram - Multiple Teachers

This is a concise book comprising the hadith evidence sources of the Shariah rulings, which have been compiled meticulously, so that the one who memorises it excels among his peers, it may assist the beginner student and the learned one seeking more knowledge may find it indispensable. Ustaadh Tim Humble goes through each hadith. As you study this you will start appreciating the reason for different Fiqh opinions. Please note, this is not fully completed 


An Explanation of Ahadith about Dhul Hijjah - Ustadh Abul Abbaas Naveed

Learn the basics of Hajj in this interactive course.


An Explanation of Ahadith about Dhul Hijjah
PDF – 2.6 MB 57 downloads

Hajj - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

Learn the basics of Hajj in this interactive course.


No book for this course

Fiqh of Dua and Adhkar - Ustaab Abu Muadh Taqeem

Shaykh Abdur-Razzaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr, may Allaah perserve him and his father, explains matters of Du'aa, its importance and benefits derived from it.


Rules of Funerals - Shaykh Abu Shuaib

In this course you will learn the fiqh of Jahnaza & the innovations involved in order to stay away from them. The course is being taught from the Arabic version of the book not the translation. 

Ruqya Workshop - Ustaadh Muhammed Tim Humble & Abu Ibraheem Husnayn


You should expect to learn the following in this course:

  • Who and what are Jinns? 
  • What is Magic? How does it work? Is it permissible? Is there good Magic?
  • Types of Magic e.g (amulets) & videos showing you the reality of this horrible business 
  • The Evil Eye description, causes and treatment 
  • How to perform Ruqya and Raaqi's to stay away from!


No book for this course 

Will Writing & Inheritance 

Brief description on how to write a Will & understanding Inheritance. The template we have shared is only for guidance. The following things need to be edited

  • Wherever you see red writing edit this to make it relevant with what you want
  • Check pronouns used 
Will Template V2 (04/2022)
Word – 137.3 KB 67 downloads

Major Sins of the Tongue - Ustaadh Uways at Taweel 

A Workbook to capture notes on the Major Sins of the Tongue



Manzumah al-Zamzami - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan


Manzumah Al Zamzami
PDF – 1.4 MB 66 downloads

Tafsir al Fatihah wa Qisar al Mufasal' - Ustaadh Muhammed Huzaifah


No book for this course in English, the book in Arabic can be found in the YouTube description

Muqaddimah fi Usool al-Tafsir Ibn Taymiyyah - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan 


The Qur’an is the greatest miracle for mankind, yet how many of us truly understand its beautiful message and the sciences that surround it? This book is one of the many written on this topic. In it, the illustrious scholar Ibn Taymiyyah outlines the principles employed by the scholars in understanding the verses of the Qur’an.


Muqaddimah Fi Usool Al Tafsir
PDF – 4.1 MB 82 downloads

Al-Nuqaayah by Al-Suyuti (Science of Tafsir) - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan 


The Qur'an. It is the book of every Muslim. A book filled with wonders and a miracle which transcends time. As such there is no doubt that a vast part of the Islamic scholarship throughout generations has been dedicated to understanding this great book and uncovering its various secrets. Join us in this new module of the Essentials wherein Ustadh AbdurRahman Hassan will go through an-Nuqayah, an introductory primer in the subject of Uloom Al-Qur'an by brilliant 10th century scholar Jalal ad-Deen as-Suyuti. This is a course for anybody looking to expand their knowledge of the Qur'an and develop a deeper connection with it.


Al Nuqaayah By Al Suyuti
PDF – 1.9 MB 63 downloads

The Preserved Book - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan

Amidst the many false doubts that are thrown around about the religion of Islam, the preservation of The Qur’an is always a favourite for the non-Muslim orientalists. Here at Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah, we’ve taken the time out to record a detailed course that tackles this topic head on. Join us on this journey as we explore exactly how our noble Book has been preserved word for word, letter by letter. Bring your pen and paper and get ready to defend the religion of Islam! There is no book for this, but there are notes which the channel has shared, we've combined these notes into one PDF!


The Preserved Book Course Notes
PDF – 2.1 MB 53 downloads

The Authentic Musnad of Reasons for Descending of Revelation - Ustaadh Muhammad at-Taweel

Knowing the reason why the verse was revealed helps us to understand its meaning. Some of the verses were difficult for some of the Companions of the Prophet (alaihis-salaam) and those after them to understand until they knew the reason why they were revealed. Please note, a few lessons are missing. 



An Introduction to Understanding Hadith - Ustaadh Muhammad Huzaifah

  • To understand what is Hadeeth and Sunnah
  • To acknowledge the authority and the Importance of the Sunnah
  • To learn about the virtues of studying Hadeeth and the virtues of the Muhadeetheen (scholrs of Hadeeth)
  • To learn about the history of the documentation of Hadeeth
  • To know the different books of Hadeeth
  • How to study hadeeth
  • To know the opinions of those who oppose the Sunnah (such as Ahlul Bidd’ah and orientalists)


Hadeeth Dawrah Worksheet
PDF – 668.3 KB 57 downloads

Introduction to Mustalah Al Hadith - Ustaadh Muhammad Huzaifah

This is two lesson introduction into Mustalah Al Hadith


Hadith Sciences (Al-Bayquniyyah) 

In this short course, you will gain an introduction on understanding hadith science. 


Explanation of Nukhbatul Fikar - Ustaadh Abdul Rahman Hasan

Imam ibn Hajar al-Asqalani’s Nukhbatul Fikr is a primary text that is commonly used to introduce an individual to the Science of Hadith (Ulum al-Hadith) and the major terminology (Mustalah) associated with it. This introductory text covers the types of chains of transmission (Asaneed), types of acceptable narrations (Maqbul) and the types of rejected narrations (Mardud).


Nukhbatul Fikr
PDF – 2.3 MB 63 downloads

Explanation of the Hadith of Jibreel - Ustaadh Abdul Hakeem Ibn Mitchell

The book before you, o noble reader , is a detailed explanation of the famous hadith of Jibril, at the end of which, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “This was Jibril, he came to you in order to teach you your Religion.” Due to the many benefits contained within this book, the Muhaddith of al-Madinah, Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad (may Allah preserve him) decided to write a book dedicated solely to the treasures found in this hadith. The Scholars of the past have mentioned the comprehensive nature of this hadith in various places:


Al-Adab Al Mufrad - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

Shaykh Abu Suhaib goes through Hadith's collected by Imam Al-Bukhari. The hadith's he goes through are "a code for every living"


Al Adab Al Mufrad
PDF – 874.8 KB 71 downloads

40 Hadith of Imam Al Nawawi 

The collection of Forty Aḥādīth by Imām Al-Nawawi has been recognised, accepted and appreciated by Muslim scholars for the last seven centuries. Its significance lays in the fact that these selected forty-two Aḥādīth comprise the main, essential and fundamental concepts of Islam. Ibn Rajab added eight Aḥādīth to round it to Fifty.


Al Arbaeen Al Nawawi
PDF – 3.6 MB 57 downloads

An Explanation of Riyadh As-Saliheen - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

The book is a collection of hadith on topics around sincerity, prayer, aqeedah etc.... The course will go through these hadith's and explain them in more detail.


Riyad Us Saliheen
PDF – 6.3 MB 65 downloads



Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Biography - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

The biography of the Prophet is a very noble and exalted subject by which Muslims learn about the rise of Islam, and how the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was chosen by Allah to receive the divine revelation. The Shaykh goes through the and points out anything that is not authentic and adds additional details where required. 


Six Events from the Seerah of Prophet ﷺ Biography - Ustaadh Abu Muadh

The six (6) events covered in this book include:

  1. The Descent of Revelation
  2. The polytheists deemed the religion of Muhammad (S) to be good until he openly criticized their religion
  3. His recitation of Surah an-Najm in their midst
  4. The story of Abu Talib
  5. The story of Hijrah
  6. The story of the Apostasy after the Prophet's Death صلى الله عليه وسلم 

Stories of the Prophets (Ibn Kathir) - Shaykh Abu Suhaib

You will gain a detailed understanding of stories mentioned in the Qur'an about our beloved Prophets. Shaykh goes through the book and points out anything that author may have added which has no authenticity and adds additional details where required. 


Stories of the Prophets (Shaykh as Sa'di) - Ustaadh Abdulilah Lahmami

The Stories of the prophets taken from taysir al latif al-mannan fi khulasat tafsir al-quran ( the exegesis of the Qur'an)


The Companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Shaykh Abu Suhaib


The author has chosen one hundred personalities amongst the companions, He compiled narrations, hadiths and incidences that contributed to the distinction of these individuals who have no similitude in the history of mankind after the Prophets of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. Shaykh goes through the book and points out anything that author may have added which has no authenticity and adds additional details where required. 




A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim - Ustaadh Anwar Wright


Tasfiya Wa Tarbiya - Shaykh Abu Suhaib


An explnation of the book "Tasfiya Wa Tarbiya (Purification & Cultivation): And The Need Which The Muslims Have For Them". The explanation is presented by Abu Suhaib Abul-Haaj.


Tasfiya Wa Tarbiya
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Important Lessons For Ramadan - Ustaadh Hasan As Somali


Verily from the great blessings of Allah upon His servants is that He has given them numerous seasons to performs acts of worship in which there are many acts of obedience, offenses are cancelled, sins and evil deeds are forgiven, good deeds are multiplied, mercy descends and magnificent gifts are granted. Indeed, from the best of these seasons and most noble with Allah is the blessed month of Ramadan


The Concise Advice/Legacy - Shaykh Abdul-Hamīd Al-Husarī


The book is made up of multiple books, the chapter focusing for this class is "The Concise Legacy"


The Disease And The Cure - Shaykh Hasan Somali

This book was a response to a question posed by an individual who was afflicted by a calamity, finding himself in a dire and needy state. He Acknowledged to himself that if he failed to rid himself of this ailment it would destroy him in this life and the next.


The Excellence of Knowledge - Shaykh Abdul-Hamīd Al-Husarī


In this course you can expect to learn the importance of seeking knowledge


The Tree of Fatih by Imam As Sadi  - Ustaadh Abdulilah Lahmami


The Obligation of Opposing the People of the Hell Fire by Ibn Taymiyyah - Ustaadh Anwar Wright

Before the the reader is Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's classical work on opposing the disbelievers in their ways and practices in general, and in their holidays in specific. Although written over seven hundred years ago, it is still an essential discourse for the Muslim who desire to have the correct understanding as it relates to the non-Islamic holidays, resembling the non-Muslims, and adhering to the correct Islamic 'aqidah in general. Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan said: "The intent behind this book is to lay down principles and guidelines which the believer can adhere to throughout his [or her] life, so that they can be upon the Sirat al-Mustaqim (i.e the straight path), and be distant from the path of those who earned the anger of Allah and those who went astray."


Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah - Ustaadh Abdul Hakeem Ibn Mitchell

In this book the author explains in detail the methodology of the Prophets in their call to Allaah. In it, he answers those questions which face every caller to the faith who wishes to follow the footsteps of the Prophets: What should his call begin with? What should he concentrate on? And what is the goal of his da’wah to Allaah? After discussing the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah, he compares it with the different methodologies employed by various contemporary da’wah groups and movements that have arisen in our time and highlights the stark contrast between these new, innovated methodologies and the pure and perfect Prophetic way.

Explanation Of The Conditions Of The Testimony Of Faith And It’s Proofs - Ustaadh Abu Muadh

The author (peace be upon him) said in the chapter on the conditions of the testimony of faith, they are seven conditions: knowledge , certainty, sincerity, truthfulness, love, acceptance and submission. These conditions have been derived and extracted by the people of knowledge from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Differences of Opinion Amongst the Scholars - Ustaadh Sa'eed Hasan

The author (peace be upon him) said in the chapter on the conditions of the testimony of faith, they are seven conditions: knowledge , certainty, sincerity, truthfulness, love, acceptance and submission. These conditions have been derived and extracted by the people of knowledge from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Purification of the Soul - Ustaadh Ehsan Arshad

The author Imām Ibn Qudāmah al-Maqdisi – may Allah have mercy on him – discusses how to purify the soul and remove the rust of desire and heedlessness which encapsulates the heart. He quotes from the Qur’an, Sunnah, the Companions of the Prophet and stories from the salaf. This powerful work will awaken the soul from procrastination and heedlessness, with the permission of Allāh, and lead to a pure and wholesome life – away from sins and vain desires. The reward is the pleasure and Protection of Allāh the Most High, in this life, the grave and the afterlife.

Summary of Glorifying Knowledge - Ustaadh Muhammad Huzaifah

Written by Al-Shaykh Salih bin Abdullah bin Hamd al-Usaymi